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The vendor application for our 2024 Festival is open!


The purpose of the Boston Pride for the People Festival is to create a community of support among LGBTQ+ individuals and families, organizations, small businesses, and ally corporations, and to uplift LGBTQ+-owned and POC-owned businesses, and to advocate for the lives and humanity of LGBTQ+ people, to celebrate the richness and complexity of LGBTQ+ community, and to continue to advocate for equity and inclusion for LGBTQ+ people, especially those who
face intersecting forms of oppression.


The Boston Common will host our festival that includes performances from local and national entertainers. City Hall Plaza will host a Block Party for those 21+ that begins later in the afternoon. All BP4TP events are free to attend.


Festival Fee categories

Solidarity Groups: K-12 Schools, Grassroots groups

Small Nonprofits (Less than $5M revenue)

Small Business Groups (Less than $500k Revenue)

Small Business Groups ($5M in revenue or less)

Large Non-Profits ERG (More than $5M in Revenue)

Large Business ERG (greater than $5M - revenue)

Food Trucks


See festival rules here



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